These take a bit of work and time, but are spectacular. They are highly prized for Christmas gift-giving! As with other meringue recipes, these should...
My take on the classic French dish. I loved to experiment and didn't follow a recipe. I know the main idea was braising chicken in wine, and you need to...
An easy, do-ahead, spectacular, and delicious way to serve filet. Easily expanded to serve however many you need. A nice twist on the standard - without...
Swai is light, delicately flavored Asian fish widely available in the US, and very inexpensive. Traditionally this recipe is made with the much more expensive...
I was looking around for a name for this unusual clafoutis-like combination of peaches, blackberries, thyme, and black pepper. I saw an article that said...
Chicken breasts are browned in butter, then baked with mushrooms, onion, and white wine. The finishing touch is an exquisite layer of melted Gruyere cheese...
This is a mouthwatering tender roast with vegetables and a great gravy that gives a fantastic presentation for a dinner party, or for a family New Year's...
I am married to a chef, but I can't cook. So I make a lot of food in my slow cooker when it's my night to cook. We love France and French cooking, and...
This is a French recipe, very easy and a real comfort food. An all in one pot meal! I have gotten people who say they don't like sauerkraut to try this...
A tomato sauce recipe for mussels is great if you don't like the usual wine recipes (like me!). There is no salt or butter. Here's a tip to make sure mussels...
A simple French dish that will amaze your friends! Cracked peppercorns are pounded into chicken breast halves, then browned, and topped with a creamy herb...
Swai is light, delicately flavored Asian fish widely available in the US, and very inexpensive. Traditionally this recipe is made with the much more expensive...
The key to a great pastry cream is using the minimum of starch. You need enough so the cream holds a shape, but not so much it interferes with the flavor....
This will make an excellent desert for the holidays. Give them cranberries in a whole new way. I don't know how anyone can't love this dish. I was going...
My mother used to cook this for us all, usually to go with Sunday dinner. I was hooked. Haven't had it in ages and I was wanting to bake something special...
If you haven't tried this Yule log recipe because you thought it required advanced baking and pastry skill, then get ready to buche up this Noel, since...
If you haven't tried this Yule log recipe because you thought it required advanced baking and pastry skill, then get ready to buche up this Noel, since...
Very rich chocolate mousse over a rich chocolate cake layer and topped with chocolate ganache sauce and chopped nuts. Great for special occasions. This...
This is a recipe that my grandmother has passed on to the family. It is a very tasty and filling meat pie that can be gobbled up for dinner or frozen and...
Chicken breast sauteed and served with a sauce of butter, lemon juice and Parmesan cheese. Very French, very elegant, and also simple and tasty. This single...
Light and delicate choux pastry puffs filled with fresh cream and covered with warm chocolate ganache sauce are so easy to make, but everyone will think...
A simple French dish that will amaze your friends! Cracked peppercorns are pounded into chicken breast halves, then browned, and topped with a creamy herb...
Calvados is an apple brandy that is made only in the Normandy region of France. This simple but elegant dish can be made with Apple Jack or any apple brandy...
This is a mouthwatering tender roast with vegetables and a great gravy that gives a fantastic presentation for a dinner party, or for a family New Year's...
My mother used to cook this for us all, usually to go with Sunday dinner. I was hooked. Haven't had it in ages and I was wanting to bake something special...
My mother used to cook this for us all, usually to go with Sunday dinner. I was hooked. Haven't had it in ages and I was wanting to bake something special...
My mother used to cook this for us all, usually to go with Sunday dinner. I was hooked. Haven't had it in ages and I was wanting to bake something special...
My mother used to cook this for us all, usually to go with Sunday dinner. I was hooked. Haven't had it in ages and I was wanting to bake something special...
I'm gonna show you how to make the world's most famous tuna sandwich, which is really the world's most famous tuna salad, the Niçoise, stuffed and pressed...
A quick and easy, but tasty microwaved scallop recipe. Great even for beginner cooks. My mother had given me this recipe, I'm not sure where she got it...
Cooking fish in parchment paper is incredibly simple, and yet fairly terrifying for a novice cook. Since the seafood is encased in paper, there's really...
A quick and classic cherry clafoutis, made the authentic French way with the pits still in the cherries. Should you wish to avoid the pits when enjoying...
This one pan dish is actually fairly easy to make and has a French and Mediterranean feel to it. Any store bought olive tapenade will do, but for the blue...